Wednesday 7 September 2011

Week 2

9 August, 2011

Today we learned about workplace hazards and the different types that existed. Below are some examples of hazards in the workplace, and examples of them:

  1. Physical - noise, heat, spills
  2. Chemical - air contaminants, moulds, smoking
  3. Biological - infections
  4. Physiological - stress, burnout
  5. Mechanical - equipment not guarded, used by inexperienced and untrained
  6. Ergonomic - non-adustable furniture, repetitive movement
  7. Radiation - ultraviolet light

We then broke off in pairs and did a small activity. In my pair we briefly listed and described the activities and operations that take place in a Hairdressing Salon. We then identified typical hazards that are present or might arise in the workplace we had chosen.

We learned that hazard management is based on four broad principles for managing occupational health and safety:
  •  Identification
  • Assessment
  • Control
  • Evaluation

Next we learned about safety signs and their respective colours. We learned that safety signs are useful tools to help protect the health and safety of employees and workplace visitors.

Safety signs are used to:

  • Draw attention to health and safety hazards
  • Point out hazards that may not be obvious
  • Provide general information and directions
  • Remind employees where personal protective equipment must be worn
  • Show where emergency equipment is located
  • Indicate where certain actions are prohibited

Safety signs are coded as follows:

 Prohibition - Red and White, Circular
Indicate actions or activities that are not permitted

Mandatory Action - Blue, Circular
The word "must" is usually contained in the message

Caution / Warning - Yellow, Triangular
Warn of conditions that are not likely to be life threatening if the message is ignored

Emergency Treatment - Green or Red, Square or Rectangle
Indicate the location of or direction to emergency facilities and first aid equipment

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