Tuesday 13 September 2011

Week 7

13 September, 2011

This morning's lesson we covered workplace bullying and sexual harrassment. We used TV News database to find videos relating to bullying or sexual harrassment.

I found the following video on bullying to be of interest:

Bullied Workers Shattered: A number of work place bullying victims tell their personal stories. [online]. Today Tonight (SEVEN NETWORK); Time: 18:35; Broadcast Date: Wednesday, 7th September 2011; Duration: 5 min., 1 sec. Availability: <http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=TEX20113601063;res=TVNEWS> [cited 13 Sep 2011].

Racial abuse - Racial abuse can be overt or subtle and includes racial "jokes" at a particular worker's or group of workers' expense. The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 makes racial discrimination in employment against the law throughout Australia.

The Racial Discrimination Act aims to ensure that people of all backgrounds are treated equally and have the same opportunities. The  law protects people across Australia from discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin, and immigration status.

Under the Act, it is against the law for people to discriminate against you in:
  • Employment, such as getting a job or applying for a promotion
  • Education, whether at school, university, TAFE or other colleges
  • Access to premises such as shops, libraries or hospitals and other buildings used by the public,
  • Buying goods and using services, such as being served in a restaurant or using taxis, banks and legal services
  • Accommodation, such as renting a unit or house or buying and selling land
  • Activities of clubs or associations, such as joining a sports club or RSL
  • Commonwealth Government laws and programs, such as voting and information in accessible formats
  • Playing sport, including when enrolling, competing or access to mainstream competitions

We were given time towards the end of the lesson to work on our OH&S blogs, so they could be submitted in the coming weeks. 

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